ZEUS 2017 Workshop

9th Central European Workshop on Services and their Composition

13-14 February 2017, USI Lugano, Switzerland

About ZEUS

The 9th ZEUS Workshop (ZEUS 2017) will take place at USI Lugano on 13-14 February 2017

You are invited to join a workshop that focuses on the discussion of fresh ideas, the presentation of work in progress, and the establishment of a scientific network between young researchers in the region.

Participation for authors is free of charge!

Discuss fresh ideas

We offer a forum to discuss ideas at a level that is more work-in-progress than in a traditional conference. We thereby want to attract especially PhD students in the early phases of their work. Participants can get feedback from outside their group before submitting a paper to a reviewed conference. This makes ZEUS an original opportunity to discuss ideas.

Practice scientific work

We see the ZEUS workshop as an opportunity to practice the whole range of scientific work. We do not take the sole focus on the submitted papers, but also on the presentations and the discussions on the workshop. To this end, we hand out a Best Presentation Award since 2010 at the end of the workshop to appreciate high quality presentations.

Establish contacts between young researchers in the region

We aim at bringing together young researchers who work in the same geographic region and the same scientific field. This way, we provide an opportunity for people to establish a scientific network that can be intensely used, including mutual visits at affordable costs. The workshop will serve as a platform to present current research ideas and research directions. Past editions of the ZEUS workshop have indeed led to new research collaborations which resulted in scientific publications at top conferences in the field.


Final proceedings are now available on CEUR-WS.org, Vol-1826

Preliminary proceedings are now available

Program announced

ZEUS2017 paper submission deadline extended

the paper submission deadline has been extended until January 18, 2017 AoE

ZEUS2017 co-located with JabCon

Also the 2017 edition of the ZEUS workshop (13-14 February 2017) will be colocated with JabCon: Discussing and implementing the future of bibliography management on 15-17 February 2017


Oliver Kopp, Jörg Lenhard, Cesare Pautasso, ZEUS 2017 Proceedings, Vol. 1826, CEUR-WS.org, February 13-14 2017.

Call for Papers

ZEUS focuses on the discussion of fresh ideas, the presentation of work in progress, and the establishment of a scientific network between young researchers in the region.

Important Dates

Submission: January 6 January 18, 2017 (extended)
Notification: January 27, 2017
Camera ready (pre-proceedings) version: February 5, 2017
Registration: February 5, 2017
Workshop: February 13-14, 2017
Post-workshop proceedings version: March 14, 2017


The topics of the ZEUS workshop are centered around service composition and related technologies, techniques and tools. Contributions focused on the analysis or synthesis of all kinds of services are as welcome as practical evaluations, use case-driven feasibility studies, or technology adoption models. ZEUS also calls for contributions in the field of Cloud computing, RESTful services, and microservices.

Topics include, but are not limited to:


All papers must be submitted following the instructions at the ZEUS 2017 submission site, handled by EasyChair.

Results can be presented in talks or tool demonstrations. Submissions will be reviewed by at least three reviewers each in order to assure general fitness regarding content, readability and scope and to give first feedback to the authors. Depending on innovation, technical soundness and presentation clarity, papers may be rejected or accepted as position, workshop or tool demonstration papers.

Workshop papers

Workshop papers are regular contributions that describe original solutions in field of ZEUS. These papers must not exceed 6 pages (LNCS style). Workshop papers are reviewed according to the Call for Papers. Accepted papers shall be included in the proceedings and presented at the workshop.

Positions papers

Position papers should draft a new idea and put it up for discussion at the workshop. Position papers should only be an extended abstract and must not exceed 3 pages (LNCS style). Position papers are briefly reviewed according to the Call for Papers. The main idea and the relation to existing work should be contained. Accepted papers shall be included in the proceedings.

Position papers have been introduced based on the experiences gained from the last editions of the workshop. They allow authors to get early feedback during the workshop, but should not disallow extending the paper to a full paper submitted to a first class conference – even if the position paper is referenced and the delta is explained properly.

Tool demonstrations

ZEUS also offers a forum to demonstrate implementations of techniques and algorithms in the area of the aforementioned topics to get early feedback and provide interesting insights for the audience. Tool demonstrators are asked to submit a demo script of no more than 3 pages (LNCS style) which states how the tool is linked to the Call for Papers and what to expect during the demonstration.

The LNCS style can be downloaded here.

The ZEUS workshop series is indexed in DBLP.


I - Why developers don't like BPM and how research can help

Daniel Lübke, InnoQ

BPM is an important topic in organizations. With digitization and the ongoing quest for lowering costs and improving quality BPM should be even more important. However, many software development organizations don't employ BPMS or similar tooling. Some developers even seem to hate it and dismiss it as being "enterprisey." This talk will give a highly subjective view on a subset of reasons and what steps should be taken to address these.

Daniel Lübke is Principal Consultant at innoQ and has a lecturership at the Leibniz Universität Hannover. He supports customers in service-orientation and BPM project. Before joining innoQ in 2009, Daniel did his PhD at the Software Engineering Group in Hannover, Germany. He is author of many articels and speaker at industry and academic conferences.

II - From Service- to UI-Oriented Computing: The Vision of an Intuitive Composition Paradigm

Florian Daniel, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Composition-based software development, for example, starting from reusable Web services, APIs or UI widgets, is by now state of the art and common practice in modern software engineering. Only hardly is it possible to imagine today the development of a new app without some piece of business logic, data or visualization widget sourced from third parties and seamlessly integrated into the app. Much has been achieved over the last years in terms of standardization, tool support and simplification, in order to facilitate these kinds of development scenarios. Yet, composition is still mostly a prerogative of skilled programmers, and people without the necessary software engineering background are not able to leverage on Web services or APIs on their own. In fact, their prerogative is the Surface Web with its applications and interactive UIs. The goal of this talk is to hypothesize a composition paradigm that instead leverages on the UIs of applications, not their APIs, and that makes composition-based development accessible to an ever wider range of “developers,” without giving up too much of expressive power.

Florian Daniel is a tenure track assistant professor at the Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria (DEIB) of the Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy. He has worked as research fellow in University of Trento, Italy, as visiting research fellow in UNSW, Sydney, Australia and HP Labs, Palo Alto, California, and as visiting professor in PUCRS, Porto Alegre, Brazil. Florian holds a Ph.D. in Information Technology (2007) and a M.Sc. in Computer Engineering (2003). He is co-author of the books Mashups: Concepts, Models and Architectures (Springer, 2014) and Engineering Web Applications (Springer, 2009) as well as of more than a hundred scientific publications in international journals, conferences and workshops. He served as program chair of BPM 2013, ICWE 2013 and MobiWIS 2013, and co-organized the international workshops Rapid Mashup Challenge, ComposableWeb, BEWEB and AEWSE. He has been actively participating in various roles in several EU FP6/FP7 research projects and a number of industry-funded research projects in Europe, the United States and China.


The workshop is hosted by the Architecture, Design and Web Information Systems Engineering group at the USI Faculty of Informatics in Lugano, Switzerland

Local Organizers

The organization of the workshop on site is coordinated by:

Cesare Pautasso, USI Lugano, Switzerland

You can reach the local organizers:

Prof. Dr. Cesare Pautasso
USI Faculty of Informatics
via Buffi 13
6900 Lugano, Switzerland
+41 058 66 4311
+41 058 666 4536

Steering Committee

Program Committee