What’s the most complex, expressive and elegantly constructed mashup you can build in 10 minutes with your own tool, platform or approach?
Compete » 23 June 2015, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Please classify the mashup you intend to build during the challenge using your tool:
For more information about the checklist options and their semantics, refer to:
Please classify the mashup tool you intend to demonstrate during the challenge:
For more information about the checklist options and their semantics, refer to:
Applications should be formatted according to Springer’s LNCS guidelines and not be longer than 4 pages. If admitted to the challenge, you will then be allowed to extend your application into a full research paper of up to 15 pages of length, same LNCS format, and submit it to be reviewed after the challenge took place.
Submit your tool applications via EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icwe2015mashupchalle
The application to participate should follow the coventional structure of a demo paper: title, abstract, goals of your approach, proposed solution, level of maturity, feature checklist, plus some words on how your live demonstration looks like.